Business Litigation Cases

  • An internet skincare manufacturer in filing suit against a major TV celebrity for breach of a multi-million dollar, exclusive endorsement contract. After a lengthy three-month confidential arbitration, settled the case on terms that were beneficial to the client.
  • A major motion picture actor who was sued for a breach of contract by investors claiming they were owed millions of dollars. The client was able to transfer the case from the public court system to private arbitration. After plaintiffs had put on their case, but before the client was required to introduce any evidence or testify, Robert was able to have the case dismissed, resulting in an arbitration award in favor of the client and no monies paid to the opposing parties.
  • A prominent motion picture producer against his foreign distributor for, among other things, breach of fiduciary duty and breach of contract. After litigating the matter in federal court, Robert settled the case for the client for close to seven figures.
  • A business owner in filing a lawsuit in Northern California against a text- message infrastructure provider for breach of written agreement and quickly settling the case for an amount in the mid-six figures.
  • A prominent boutique law firm sued for fraud and misrepresentation in a South Carolina bankruptcy court where the opponents were claiming millions of dollars in damages. The case was successfully removed from the federal court in South Carolina to private arbitration in Los Angeles where the law firm was able to successfully defend the case.

Shareholder Dispute Cases

  • A private entertainment company against a 50-percent shareholder who had secretly set up a competing enterprise. By initiating a Corporations Code 2000 appraisal and buyout, the client was able to successfully acquire the departed shareholder’s ownership in the company.
  • A shareholder involved in a dispute and deadlock with the sole other shareholder in an entertainment company. Unable to continue to work with his co-owner, the client wanted to terminate the other shareholder’s employment agreement, eliminate him as an officer and director and take over control of the company. Through advice and guidance, the other shareholder was terminated and, in the face of threatened litigation, successfully negotiated a settlement and buyout for the client.
  • Two officers, directors and shareholders of a private advertising company who, over the course of time, had been involved in disputes and litigation with the third shareholder. With advice and guidance, the clients overcame a restrictive shareholder agreement, significantly increased their remuneration and successfully defended against litigation brought by the third shareholder.
  • A public music company embroiled in a dispute between a minority shareholder group and the corporation’s officers, directors and majority shareholders. Troubled with the conduct of the business and the misuse of company assets, the minority shareholders sued the company and its officers and directors. With effective representation of the company, the case settled for close to seven figures with the company receiving a significant portion of the settlement.
  • The majority control investors in a Los Angeles enterprise involved in a power struggle and dispute with another group of investors. Through guidance, the clients initiated a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization to eliminate the minority group and take over control of the company.

Real Estate Litigation Cases

  • A well-known national restaurant chain in connection with a complex real estate dispute arising out of a series of transactions going back several decades. In order to resolve this dispute, a declaratory relief lawsuit was filed and then the case was successfully shifted to private arbitration. The client received an arbitration award in its favor, preserving the client’s lease relationship and resulting in long-term, significant economic benefit. In addition to prevailing in the arbitration, the client was granted substantial attorneys’ fees.
  • The foreign owner of a residential care facility in the San Diego area who was embroiled in a dispute with its operating tenant. On behalf of the client, we filed a breach of contract lawsuit and commenced landlord-tenant proceedings against the tenant. Through successful planning and litigation strategy, the client was eventually able to evict the tenant and obtain a seven-figure settlement of the case.
  • The owner of a downtown Los Angeles office building sued for breaching a contract for the sale of the building. The buyer sought specific performance as well as millions of dollars in damages. In addition, the buyer recorded a lis pendens against the property. The firm’s legal team successfully removed the lis pendens, obtained significant legal fees and thereafter had the case against the client dismissed. In all, the client recouped practically all of his legal fees.